What is causing bearing shipping delays?


Supply Chain Log Jam Leading to Bearing Shipping Delays

Bearing shipments are being delayed around the world. Scarce containers, and capacity restrictions on vessels and in ports are heavily taxing the supply chain.

Containers & Cargo

Scant container inventory has substantially increased costs and prolonged delivery. Manufacturers are waiting weeks for shipping containers to ship customer products.

Water: Available container space on vessels is exceedingly competitive. Global shipping volume is placing a premium on all available cargo space.

Rail: Once unloaded, many containers are transported to rail yards. These yards are overloaded due to the volume and recent winter weather that required significant snow and ice removal throughout the network.

Air: Fewer passenger flights are impacting air freight. Bellies of these planes normally carry cargo. A decrease in air travel is reducing the number of planes that can accommodate cargo.

Port Delays

Ports are struggling to unload, store and process shipments.

Covid has hit California piers especially hard. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) reported 694 of its members had tested positive as of Jan. 17. By Jan. 25, the number had jumped to 803 – leaving fewer dock workers available to unload vessels.

In addition, forecasts from the Port of Los Angeles show volumes up nearly 503% YOY the week of March 7, 2021. (Delmar Group)

At any time, 20 to 40 vessels can be waiting in the Pacific Ocean to be assigned a berth. While the current average is seven days, these vessels can spend up to 13 days at anchor waiting to moor and unload.

Additional Resources: Bearing Shipping Delays

American Shipper – Inside CA’s Colossal Container Ship Traffic Jam

Wall Street Journal – Shipping Container Shortage gives Commodity Prices Extra Boost

Port of Los Angeles – Signal