This month, we are highlighting team member Pramod Francis, who is the head of application engineering for our India office located in Vadodara, Gujarat. With nearly 15 years of experience, he provides application engineering support to CCTY customers in the construction equipment and off-highway sectors.
What do you enjoy most about your work in motion control?
At CCTY, we excel at applications where the ordinary solution doesn’t work. This brings up a wide variety of very challenging requirements, which demand reimagining motion control. Every day is a new and different adventure. I enjoy the thrill of facing tough and demanding engineering problems and, as a team, coming up with innovative solutions that optimally address them.
What are the biggest opportunities for motion control in construction equipment?
Construction equipment has always been, and will continue to be, focused on increasing productivity. Harsh environments and tough-duty cycles demand the most out of motion control components. This translates to an ever-increasing opportunity for those who can break past the current threshold of endurance, contamination resistance and power density—leading to greater reliability. CCTY has a strong foothold in this case due to our significant investments in research and development in the field of tribology, which has resulted in the innovation of industry-leading, self-lubricating motion control solutions that require zero maintenance.
How is the construction equipment industry advancing in India?
The construction equipment industry in India anticipates a 15% year-over-year increase in sales over the next five years, propelled by strong economic growth and a heightened focus on infrastructure—both of which have accelerated demand for heavy-duty machinery. All global OEMs in this sector already have their manufacturing footprints in India to capitalize on this potential.
There is also a trend toward increasing power density for machinery components. Greater load capacity and reliability is sought after within the same enveloping dimension, requiring the use of high-quality steel and a wide variety of surface treatments. Reducing the number of components through integration is another innovative way to achieve a cost-effective, reliable solution.
How do you see CCTY India contributing to this industry advancement?
Innovation lives within the very DNA of CCTY Group. And CCTY India is no different. Our customer-centric approach ensures that the needs of our customers are thoroughly understood, and that our innovative solutions don’t just meet—but exceed—their expectations. Most construction equipment in India already runs on CCTY motion control products, which delivers reliable performance under even the toughest operating conditions.
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