3 Pet Peeves of Bushing Manufacturers


When bearings are needed for advanced applications that require higher speeds, higher loads, non-standard dimensions or rougher environmental conditions, engineer-focused bearing manufacturers design solutions that fit the unique requirements of the application. In the process of doing so, they require more up-front information from OEMs.

Below are bushing manufacturer’s top three frustrations when designing a new part.

Not sharing data.

In order to fully understand your specifications, bushing manufacturers need to know information beyond the basics of speed, loads and working environment. By keeping prints or details about the application out of the conversation, the bearing is not positioned for optimal success.

Not being open to alternate solutions.

Bearing manufacturers have seen many applications – both those that are successful and those that have failed. Their knowledge base is vast and tapping into their expertise can provide a bearing that preforms to expectations while being more cost effective, increasing bearing life (or decreasing wear rate), simply an improved fit for the overall design. However, the customer has to be open to options outside of the initial proposed solution.

It is advantageous to use a bearing manufacturer’s insight. For example, when an OEM was experiencing worldwide failure of their telehandler’s boom retraction, CCTY Bearing Company’s engineers suggested a chain roller bearing in place of the plain bearing used in the boom’s retraction. In this particular application, a roller bearing reduced wear and friction while maintaining the load capacity.

Using a bearing for unintended purposes.

Bearings are highly engineered components that are designed to protect more expensive damage to a machine. However, there are times when the wrong bearing is used for an application.

Using a bearing with incorrect load requirements can lead to accidents and death. It is crucial that all bearing application data is shared with the bearing manufacturers.

Low-quality/low-performance bearings may be used to keep a machine running. The wear rate is high, but replacement costs seem low. This neglects the potential higher costs of warranty replacements and more importantly it can lead to dissatisfied customers who lose trust in your brand.

Bearing selection can only be enhanced by working with a manufacturer. Giving detailed information allows for a cooperative discussion that gives both sides an understanding of the abilities and limits of proposed bearing options.